In April individual herb adopters have been visited. On the website you can see Calypso Caspar singing about a herb seller in Chapelfields, join Ross and Lawrence in their Adventure Valariana and see the art work induced by drinking Sage (Salvia) Tea.
We now have dates for the Show 4th-9th May. Anteros Arts Foundation Gallery. Norwich.
Come to taste teas and draw how if makes you feel. Secret Tea Tasting 2pm-5pm May 5th in the Galley.
Secret Tea Tasting means:
Sit and think about how you feel.
Drink a cup of a unknown herbal tea.
See how it makes you feel.
Draw how it makes you feel.
This is kinda weird I know but thats the point.
No one can say that's not how you feel and you didn't draw that well.
It is really therapeutic to have the time to think about how you feel.
Its really therapeutic to draw and be creative.
Come to the secret tea tasting. I 'll promise you a cuppa.