Monday, 14 May 2012

Our last session Sure Start with some BOXES!!!!

Tricia's Flickr Pictures

Here is a link to Tricia's photos on Flickr, some really nice shots of the exhibition and some of the folks that came along.

Baseline Womens Art Group

Sonia, Khateega and Sally also working hard on finishing the Thrush, kingfisher and Owl.
Here are Nina and Theresa working very fast on the woodpecker - had to be finished for the exhibition deadline the next day!

Jenny and Khateega with the bird display at Anteros Gallery, Norwich.

The exhibition was really great, lots of interesting ideas and creativity on display from all ages.

Well done everyone!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Dan's Pics of the show

Really Enjoyed the Show, Thanks Everyone.


Thanks to Mike at the John Innes Institute for showing us round the rare book collection amazing old herbal books that often had hand painted pictures. My camera didn't work very well so excuse the lack of quality photos. The dude at the Bottom is John Innes, a banker whose money was used to set up plant based studies.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Baseline Birds flock together

Pauline and Tina doing the fiddley undercarriage!
Jenny and Khateega building up the feathers on the Peregrine Falcon and White Stork
The birds are really taking shape now, feathering up and legs and feet nicely wrapped. Once we add the eyes they will 'come to life!'
Looking forward to the exhibition at Anteros, and seeing our work 'out there'.
Khateega, Sally and Jenny busy doing the layers
What a great group this is, still gathering new participants as we go.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Getting fired up for our show, see the flyer below !!

last Drawing Buddies session for Spontaneous Communities

Had our last drawing buddies session for Spontaneous Communities, sadly, though everyone incredibly keen to find another project to get their teeth into. More lovely detailed drawings of land and water based flora that you might find at the Spontaneous City Sites. This was in lieu of a planned visit to Waterloo park to draw outdoors but the weather is just too unreliable! Welcomed Clare who I hadn't met before but who obviously already loves to draw and has already been welcomed into the group. Whole group is fired up about the forth coming exhibition and keen to come to our tea & cake celebration on 8th May too, it's going to be great !

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Valariana and Salvia

In April individual herb adopters have been visited. On the website you can see Calypso Caspar singing about a herb seller in Chapelfields, join Ross and Lawrence in their Adventure Valariana and see the art work induced by drinking Sage (Salvia) Tea.

We now have dates for the Show 4th-9th May. Anteros Arts Foundation Gallery. Norwich.

Come to taste teas and draw how if makes you feel. Secret Tea Tasting 2pm-5pm May 5th in the Galley.

Secret Tea Tasting means:
Sit and think about how you feel.
Drink a cup of a unknown herbal tea.
See how it makes you feel.
Draw how it makes you feel.

This is kinda weird I know but thats the point.
No one can say that's not how you feel and you didn't draw that well.
It is really therapeutic to have the time to think about how you feel.
Its really therapeutic to draw and be creative.

Come to the secret tea tasting. I 'll promise you a cuppa.